An unopening…
Something not open…
Locked down…
Unopen … unhinged…
The same… but not the same
Familiar but not.
The time between what was and what’s next
A liminal space.
Time to rethink…
I have a hammer and a needle…
Force, disperse, reshape, nurture, mend and repair… I think I can.
This work is about…
1) starting with things that are unopen …
a scrap
a tangle
a remnant
a fragment
a broken string of…
things that might otherwise be discarded or forgotten or caught in between worthy and worthless
2) the act of making with processes that I love.
Metalwork and sewing anchor me in an otherwise threshold space.
The rules I make up … anchor me…
Only used, nothing new
Recycle, upcycle, repurpose,
Kept and collected, found and gifted…Vintage.
Did I just describe myself?
I am rediscovering what’s precious…
What’s next is unclear … except that I choose to be unopen to returning to the same