She grows best at temperatures around 25 degrees.
Any cooler and it’s too hard for her to set down roots.
Any warmer and she tends to wilt.
So temperate warmth is usually enough for her to flourish.
Any cooler and it’s too hard for her to set down roots.
But once established she tends to spread herself out,
Providing nourishment and support for many others
Sometimes until she’s spread too thin to cover any ground at all.
Once established she tends to spread herself out
And will spend her time searching for the sun so that she can blossom and make you smile
Left in the shade she will produce lots of tough foliage but no fruit
She will spend her time searching for the sun so that she can blossom and make you smile
And although she will tolerate an occasional dose of manure
Too much shit will make her bitter, sour and brittle
She will tolerate an occasional dose of manure
And the odd, persistent pest won’t stop her
Because she comes with her own natural, defensive repellent
That will dissuade even the most insidious predator.
The odd, persistent pest won’t stop her
However she sometimes needs to be protected from frostiness
And too much watering will result in wet, cold feet,
Making her go- to-seed too early and bolt!