…I remember:
What it’s like to eat fresh peas straight from their pods in the garden;
How to prune my tomato plants for a bumper crop;
How to feed my chilli plants with home-brewed, liquid, chook manure;
How to tie up heavy, fruit-laden branches with an old stocking;
How to prune the roses and the lemon tree.
I remember:
How to cook and prepare a lobster;
How to select the freshest fish;
How to brown the onions, sear the meat and prime my pot for potjiekos;
How to thinly slice home-made biltong into lekker morsels;
How to make curry paste and masala; and
The secret of your pickle fish recipe.
I remember :
How to make a hinge;
How to set a rivet;
How to change the belt on my sewing machine;
How to carve things out of wood;
How to change a tyre and check the oil and water in a car;
Which bait and lure to use to catch the right fish;
What every tool in your old, toolbox can be used for.
I remember:
To be warm and generous to people;
To respect and learn from the difference between me and others;
To respect animals and the environment and be grateful for what they provide;
To treasure and look after the people I love;
To make the best out of what we’ve got; and
To live for today but crave for tomorrow.
I remember:
How to sing like my heart was breaking;
To dance like the world was clapping along to every beat;
To learn as much as I can at every opportunity;
To stand up for the values, principles and people I believe in;
To be true to myself;
How to breathe…
…and …you!
© 2012 Lenni Morkel-Kingsbury